Make Emoji People!

In photography by webmeister Bud

The craziest thing happened today. While chatting with a dear friend on Facebook Messenger, I noticed that a long string of emoji wrapped to a second line when there were too many of them, and that it looked like these little emoji heads could have “bodies” . . . to be “people,” as it were.

So, I tried it:

20160704 - EMOJI PEOPLE! (hd)

I tried combination after combination and, after searching to see if this had been done before (of course it has, because internet, but I couldn’t find much on it), I declared myself a genius (#accidentallyawesome) and made this graphic in an attempt to become Pinterest Famous™.

20160704 - Pinterest - Emoji people

The stacking you see in the original version isn’t reliable to be displayed consistency based on screen size, phone vs desktop vs tablet vs pop-up vs fullscreen, so sticking with one body at a time should yield you best results.

Have fun with it! If not, just have fun!
