The Island Highway as seen fr— Holycrap! How the hell did I get up here??!?
Canon EOS 400D (XTi) · Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5
17 mm · 1/400 s · f/10 · ISO 400
A few weeks back, I went to Vancouver for a meeting.
Let’s re-analyze the ridiculousness of that statement.
I (the guy-with-a-camera) went to Vancouver (land of the Skytrain, bigger malls, and IKEA) for a meeting (that’s about where it stops making sense).
Moving on from how weird that is, the trip over and back was fascinating. It was My First Seaplane Ride™, and it was quite the experience.
I’m not a good flier at the best of times, but there was enough new-ness in this experience to sufficiently distract both me and my stomach.
It’s a loud and shaky ride, but with generally less stomach-churning motions usually associated with larger plane rides.
Naturally, the best part . . . for me, of course . . . was being able to sit in the co-pilot’s seat on the way back with a much bigger window to take photos through!
The Helmcken overpass is along the bottom, with VGH to its right, the Colwood exit is above the middle, and it stretches straight on ’til morning after that!