Happy third birthday, our li’l dumpling. Your time as a two-year-old has been nothing short of amazing.
As her speech, imagination, and humour continue to develop, it’s only fitting to relive another year of amazing Kitara quotes between her second and third birthdays . . .
Quoth Kitara: (in sing-song voice directed at our cat) Bayee! Come here! I want to play with youuu!
Quoth Kitara: (watching hummingbird cam) Long beak and tail and bu– and BUM! Hummingbirds have BUM!
Quoth Kitara: (to Nome) I want to listen to your heart beep! *sticks finger in Nome’s ear*
Quoth Kitara: Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit…I ate a frog!
Quoth Bud: It’s sunscreen time!
Kitara: It’s hiding time! *runs away*
Quoth Kitara: (swiping Naomi’s bank card through her hair) On Debit! Thaaank you!
Quoth Kitara: (picks up Bud’s USB stick) Hello? My name is Kitara…
Quoth Kitara: Step away from my belly button!
Quoth Kitara: *running towards Papa, eyes wide, hand outstretched* FORCE PUSH!
Quoth Kitara: *talking on her toy phone* I’m talking to Mama! Hi Mama! When I’m older, I will teach you. Then, I will be two months old. When I’m two months old, then I will be…tall.
Quoth Kitara: I’m getting into trooouuuble!
Quoth Kitara: The moon is shining! And the stars went to bed…to see the Mama star! They ate their dinner…and the Mama stars read a book to the baby stars before they go to bed! And those stars *pointing to the few remaining twinkles* are cleaning up the darkness!
Quoth Kitara: I ate a bubble… OM NOM!
Quoth Bud: *to Kitara* Okay, go give Mama a kiss and say goodnight.
Kitara: *running into the living room* I UNDERSTAND MY MIND NOW!
Quoth Kitara: *quietly, in her crib, while she should be sleeping* Raymaaan!
Quoth Kitara: I’m starting the internet with bacon. I’m just looking for bacon with the internet. Can we please have ice cream and bacon for dinner?
Quoth Kitara: I rolled up my shirt and pop! Out comes up my belly!
Quoth Kitara: *pointing at her ankle* Look, Papa!
Bud: That’s your ankle.
Kitara: I use it as a computer!
Quoth Kitara: Oh my GRACIOUS, Mama! Look!
Quoth Kitara: I spy something that is . . . *points at Bud* . . .Papa!
Quoth Nome: (to Kitara) Did it hurt when Papa took your slivers out?
Kitara: Mmm… Not as such, but it *was* a bit scary.
Quoth Bud: *blows his nose*
Kitara: (thoughtfully, to herself, from the other room) Papa…sounds like an elephant!
Quoth Kitara: I awesome!
Yes, Kitara . . . yes, you are. Happy three, sunshine. Love, mama and papa.
=) =) =)