Rainbow fire

In photography by webmeister Bud

A fire rages through a barn at the foot of Christmas Hill.

20080606 - Rainbow fire-01Canon EOS 400D (XTi) · Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5
17 mm · 1/400 s · f/10 · ISO 400

Bonus Friday photos ’cause, damn.  You could not deny this fire its moment.

Right place, right time, right Magical Pictobox 3000™.

20080606 - Rainbow fire-03Canon EOS 400D (XTi) · Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5
17 mm · 1/400 s · f/10 · ISO 400

After hearing a police motorcycle tear up Rainbow Street like a bat out of hell, it was plain as day.

Dark smoke soaring out of a barn, set to be removed to allow for condo development, on fire with such fury, you could hear the crackling some 500 feet away, and the smoke could be seen throughout the city.

There were workers inside the barn when the fire started, but they all got out okay. *whew!*
