The sun reflects off the surface of Swan Lake, covered in its thin layer of I’m-not-really-sure-what. I don’t think it was algae bloom, ’cause an algae bloom’s supposed to be slimy and gross, right? This was more like zillions and zillions of itty bitty leaves and whatnot. Fascinating, but not slimy and gross. Mind, I didn’t dip my head in …
The sun punches a hole through the sky, beams through a tree, and illuminates a mountain. Nature’s pretty cool. No photograph I could take could properly convey how absolutely unbelievable this night looked, but I hope this is a pretty fair representation. The contrast between the dark, storm-like clouds and the sharp beam of bright sunlight was immense, and really …
sky love you
Sky love you. Gack frackit it, ain’t nature grand? There’s nature, just going about its daily routine, minding its own business, when out of the blue (pardon the pun), it goes and slightly resembles one of the most popular icons the human race ever came up with: the heart. This cloud was all alone in its patch of sky, just …
Sunbeams break through the clouds in the distance, while the rest of the sky remains extra-dark. This is the last photo for February. It’s not the most conventional month for a launch, but February’s been good for me. My very first job, a paper route I had when I was 14, began on February 1. Exactly ten years later, my …
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