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In photography by webmeister Bud

Kelsi — photographer, diver, musician, sports fanatic, coach, student — before her departure from the province. Shock awe!  A human being!  Plus, one that actually knew she was being photographed!  Yes, I’m getting there. If my career were that of portrait photographer, I’d go broke in a week.  Despite how I may come off in “public mode” or in front of those …

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In photography by webmeister Bud

Bless the talented soul or souls who devised cute little iconic representations of words like “water.” This day was particularly filled with architectural fascination. If it wasn’t the deep colour of the painted bricks or the cold sheen of the corrugated siding, it was the antique styling of the curvy overhead lights or the impressive framing of the tinted window …

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shining down

In photography by webmeister Bud

During an otherwise cloudy day, the sun beams down upon Andrew, entranced in his book. This photo would not exist without Alex, who pointed out this shaft of sunlight during a moment I was far too distracted with attempting to impale myself with the rubber feet of a microphone stand. =)

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slow pedestrians

In photography by webmeister Bud

This sign makes it appear as if the pedestrians ahead are slow . . . It is my intention (let’s fast-forward a year to see how hard I’m laughing at this statement) to post one image per week here. “An image a day” is too lofty a goal for me, and “an image every now and then” sounds too non-committal.  …

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second snow

In photography by webmeister Bud

During the second snowfall of 2004, the usual ambience of this parking area was enhanced by the snow. Welcome to the new, version 2.0. Please feel free to share your thoughts.  Hopefully, the positive or constructive ones. Just the other day, I was asked how many digital photos I’d taken since making the leap to digital only sixteen months …