portraits · Tindytat · Victoria BC

In photography by webmeister Bud

Tindy and her most awesome tattoo.

20100216 - TindyTatCanon EOS 450D (XSi) · Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
50 mm · 1/250 s · f/2.2 · ISO 100

It says “Ujager Singh Bassi” in Punjabi. It’s Tindy’s grandfather’s name, and his story is something else.

He was born in Punjab, betrothed at 16, married at 18 and moved to England when he was about 20. It was the 1950s, and he cut off his hair and removed his turban in order to be accepted.

He learned a new language, a new way of living, sharpened his business skills and opened up his own business (a laundromat) when everyone else was laughing at him. His first laundromat was so successful that another six laundromats followed and he created a lucrative business.

He was able to support himself and Tindy’s grandmother, raise a family of five, bring them all to England, get them married, continue their financial support and give back to the Sikh culture.

All this while dealing with some really unfair treatment, not only from society in general, but from his own family. Through it all, though, he always held his head high, did the right thing and maintained his dignity and self-respect.

Tindy sez: “I got the tattoo on my right arm to remind me that even when I think that “doing work” (typically with my right hand) is hard, it is nothing compared to what he endured and rose above.”
