Just a regular Tuesday, hanging out with nine brides taking rockstar photos.
Canon EOS 550D (T2i) · Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC HSM
10 mm · 1/125 s · f/3.5 · ISO 1600
Strobist: Canon 430EX II, 1/2 power, behind brides, direct, remote triggered
Brides on fire. Definitely the highlight shot of the night for me.
So, how does a humble little wedding photographer like me end up with nine brides in their dresses for an evening of rockstar photography?
Great brides.
Four of these lovely ladies — Jenna (farthest left), Julie (second from the left), Sarah (fourth from the right), and Lara (farthest right) — chose me to shoot their weddings.
I’ve met the others at these weddings, either as bridesmaids or guests.
And, they’re all a very tight-knit group of friends from way back.
So, when the idea was sparked for everyone to get back into their wedding dresses for a night of photo fun, it wasn’t much of a stretch to make it happen.
And I’m so glad it did. It was a tremendously fun evening of laughs, in-jokes I didn’t get, and the best reactions from passers-by.
Canon EOS 550D (T2i) · Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
70 mm · 1/100 s · f/4.5 · ISO 200
They know how to use ’em.
Canon EOS 550D (T2i) · Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC HSM
20 mm · 1/40 s · f/4.5 · ISO 640
Strobist: Canon 430EX II, 1/4 power, camera right, umbrella bounced, remote triggered
If ever there was a photograph in which roughly half of the thousand words it was worth were “badass,” this would be the one.
Canon EOS 550D (T2i) · Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC HSM
14 mm · 1/125 s · f/3.5 · ISO 100
Strobist: Canon 430EX II, 1/8 power, 4′ camera right, direct, remote triggered
Some badass sidewalk sittin’ as the sun sets on the Tuesday Bride Party.
Canon EOS 550D (T2i) · Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC HSM
10 mm · 1/200 s · f/5.6 · ISO 400
Strobist: Canon 430EX II, 1/16 power, on camera
Such silly fun. A bride huddle.
Mind, getting a shot like this required some, um . . .
Canon EOS 550D (T2i) · Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC HSM
12 mm · 1/125 s · f/3.5 · ISO 200
. . . some creative positioning. This took a while to set up in a non-awkward way.
Canon EOS 550D (T2i) · Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC HSM
10 mm · 1/50 s · f/4 · ISO 1600
Strobist: Canon 430EX II, 1/8 power, 3′ above camera, umbrella bounced, remote triggered
Tiaras vs cowboy hats. Julie refs. I don’t see a clear winner here . . .
Canon EOS 550D (T2i) · Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC HSM
12 mm · 1/160 s · f/5.6 · ISO 400
Tea party!
. . .
Wait, what?
Canon EOS 550D (T2i) · Sigma 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC HSM
10 mm · 1/50 s · f/4.5 · ISO 1600
Strobist: Canon 430EX II, 1/8 power, 3′ camera left, ceiling bounced, remote triggered
Sure this couch can hold nine people!
. . .
Wait, what?