One month ago today, I was pounding up and down Whiffin Spit with many pounds of camera gear bouncing off my body, carrying a steadicam rig, and wearing hip waders.
Canon EOS 70D · Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 EX DC HSM
11 mm · 1/500 s · f/4.5 · ISO 100
Yup, that’s what shooting in hip waders gets ya. =)
As part of the Surfrider Foundation Combing the Coast beach cleanups, 150 amazing Zoners — both the staff variety and listener variety — descended on Whiffin Spit with gloves, bags, and buckets to clean that sucker up and, within a few short hours, 1,600 POUNDS of garbage was taken off of that beautiful area.
I was there mainly to shoot video (this video) . . .
. . . but couldn’t pass up the opportunity, as time allowed, to take a few stills of the AMAZING day we had in which to clean up.