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keeping warm

In photography by webmeister Bud

Keep warm, everyone. We don’t get much snow here that often, but it tends to immobilize the city, especially when, days after a big dumping, the temperature drops to -6. =)

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real live snowflake

In photography by webmeister Bud

No electronical trickery or photographical manipulation here — that thar’s one real live snowflake. Ya hear all about it when you’re growing up . . . snowflakes aren’t just white specks, but actual six-sided flakes, no two of which are identical. I accepted it as truth, of course, but it just became so much more real when I leaned in …

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second snow

In photography by webmeister Bud

During the second snowfall of 2004, the usual ambience of this parking area was enhanced by the snow. Welcome to the new, version 2.0. Please feel free to share your thoughts.  Hopefully, the positive or constructive ones. Just the other day, I was asked how many digital photos I’d taken since making the leap to digital only sixteen months …